Find the Perfect Fit

Choosing the right ring size for your engagement rings or wedding brands is crucial. This essential aspect will often depend on exact ring finger measurements, especially if you’re buying wedding rings online.

Relying on standard ring sizes won’t always yield the best results. After all, your partner’s ring size might not match the average ring size. That’s why you’ll need to measure accurately to ensure a comfortable fit and avoid complications around ring resizing.

Luckily, this post is here to serve as your ring size guide. You’ll learn how to take precise measurements and give your loved one a band that will be the perfect fit. Here’s how to find your ring size.

String or Floss Method:

Step-by-step guide to measuring with string or floss

You can get to the correct ring size using a simple piece of string or dental floss. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Wrap the measuring tool (string or floss) around the base of your finger.
  2. Take your pen or marker and mark the place where the string overlaps.

Converting the measurement to a ring size

Once you’ve marked the string or floss, use the ruler or tape measure to find out the length of the marked piece. Then, consult the ring size conversion chart by finding the measured dimension on the chart - it will fall into either a full or half-size.

Tips for accurate measurements using string or floss

When calculating the perfect ring size with string or floss, you should pay attention to certain details of the measuring process.

In particular, make sure the measuring tool isn’t too tight or loose. The former would result in a smaller measurement, while the other would indicate a larger size than actually needed.

Also, ensure that the string or floss you’re using for your free ring measurement doesn’t stretch when pulled. This would also lead to inaccurate results.

Finally, mark the string so that the marking is visible on two points. If you only mark one point, you won’t have a clear reference for measuring, i.e., the starting point will be unclear. It’s worth mentioning that women’s and men’s rings have very delicate dimensions. At the end of the day, a single millimeter might make the difference between an ideal band and one you can’t wear.

Materials and Tools Needed

Let’s list the materials you’ll need to get the exact size at home. Note that you won’t need to use all of these materials for the same method. Instead, some of them will serve as measurement tools in separate measuring techniques.

  1. Printable ring size chart
  2. String or floss
  3. Ruler or tape measure
  4. Pen or marker
  5. Scissors
  6. Existing ring (optional)

Of the aforementioned tools, the ring size chart, pen or marker, and scissors will be necessary for every method. String or dental floss and a ruler or tape measure will be the main means of measuring in different methods. Finally, a current ring will come in handy in terms of comparison.

How to Measure Ring Size at Home With String, Printables, & More


Use a small string to measure the circumference of your ring finger. Make sure to wrap it snug around your finger.


Use a pen or pencil to mark the spot where it crosses over.


Measure the length of the string and find your corresponding size on the chart below.


Still not sure? Watch the full video here.

Use The Printable and Reliable Ring Size Chart

When the time comes to use the ring size chart, you’ll need to have access to a reliable tool for the job. You can take advantage of our ring size chart and printable ring sizer for this purpose. The point is to have a tool that you can absolutely trust.

What does that mean?

The measurements you take at home and compare to the chart must match the measurements in the jewelry store. Otherwise, your efforts won’t amount to much.

Another crucial thing about your ring size chart is that it must be printable. You’ll need an actual piece of paper for the job - an image on your PC or phone won’t do.


How to use the ring size chart

Using the chart to get accurate measurements is relatively easy. Essentially, you’ll need to perform only two steps:

  1. Use the chart to measure your existing ring (if available).
  2. Measure the ring finger using the chart.

In the first step, you should place the ring on the chart so that its inner edge matches with a particular circle on the chart. This will give you the inner circumference of the existing ring, which will be an excellent point for orientation moving forward.

For the second step, you’ll need to wrap the strip of paper with the chart around your finger. Find where the strip overlaps and mark the precise point.


Tips for accurate measurements using a chart

There are several considerations when measuring with a chart. The first is how the chart is printed. You’ll need to ensure the dimensions on the printed chart are genuine and correspond to the digital original when viewed at 100%.

If those dimensions don’t match, the measurement you get won’t be right.

Another critical point is whether your fingers are in regular condition. Our fingers can swell due to various reasons, such as blood pressure and high temperatures. Make sure the finger isn’t swollen before measuring. If there’s some swelling, postpone the process.

Note that it won’t matter whether you’re measuring for women’s or men's rings. The dimensions are universal. 




Includes metal + Silicon Band

7 54.4 17.32 22.32
7.5 55.7 17.73 22.73
8 57 18.14 23.14
8.5 58.3 18.56 23.56
9 59.5 18.94 23.94
9.5 60.8 19.35 24.35
10 62.1 19.77 24.77
10.5 63.4 20.18 25.18
11 64.6 20.56 25.56
11.5 65.9 20.98 25.98
12 67.2 21.39 26.39
12.5 68.5 21.80 26.80
13 69.7 22.19 27.19
13.5 71 22.60 27.60
14 72.3 23.01 28.01

Using a Ring Sizing Tool:

Types of ring sizing tools available

Ring sizing tools are relatively simple to use and come in plastic and metal variants. These tools are essentially special strips that you can wrap around your finger to get precise measurements. A sizer does pretty much the same thing as the described homemade methods. However, as a professional tool, it’s much more reliable than paper or floss.


Where to purchase or borrow a ring sizer

Chances are you won’t have a ring sizer laying around at home. Luckily, gaining access to one isn’t hard. You can go to your local jeweler and ask them to use their sizer. Or, if you want to have the tool available at your home, you can find ring sizers available for purchase online.


Step-by-step guide to using a ring sizing tool

As mentioned, using a ring sizing tool is straightforward. Simply slide the tool onto your finger and adjust the size until you achieve a comfortable fit. In this case, you won’t need to mark anything or calculate ring size from the measurement. The tool will tell you everything you need to know.


Tips for accurate measurements using a ring sizing tool

The most important consideration in terms of getting a reliable measurement result is not to force the sizer. In other words, don’t try to get the tool too tight around your finger only to match the size of a ring you like. Focus on how it feels and only mark the size that causes absolutely no discomfort.

The other consideration was already mentioned previously: finger swelling. As we pointed out, pay attention to whether the finger is swollen. If it is, take the measurement at a different time.

Considerations for Different Types of Rings

Wide vs. narrow bands

Perhaps it doesn’t sound obvious, but different band widths may call for different sizes. A narrow band will fit nicely at the point where you measured your finger. However, a wide band might be just right for that point but too tight a few millimeters away.

To ensure you have the right size for a wide band, measure where on your finger the band should start and end. Then, use the described methods to get exact dimensions at the highest and lowest points on your finger. If the measurements differ, go with the larger one.


Temperature and finger size fluctuations

Interestingly enough, your finger size isn’t always the same. We’ve already brought up finger swelling, and that’s because this phenomenon can happen at any time. The temperature has a particularly strong impact here.

Simply put, if your metal wallet is getting hot, your fingers are likely becoming slightly larger.

You should account for finger size fluctuations when choosing the ring size. Besides taking care of this aspect when measuring, think about whether your fingers tend to swell often. If so, it might be a good idea to get a slightly larger ring.


International ring size conversion

If you’re shopping for rings internationally, you should know that not all countries have the same sizing convention for rings. A particular U.S. ring size might be completely different across both the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Fortunately, there’s a handy conversion chart that you can use to “translate” one ring size to another. Consult this official international chart to convert ring sizes easily.

Tips for Ensuring an Accurate Measurement:

Measuring multiple times

Although a single measurement might seem sufficient, it would be best to repeat it several times. The point here is to get consistent results across all measurements, so you can be sure the dimensions are absolutely right.


Measuring at different times of the day

Since finger size can fluctuate, measuring in the morning, afternoon, and evening will be the optimal way to get reliable results. Measure several times a day, especially when the temperature is at its highest and lowest points.


Accounting for knuckle size

While you’ll measure the actual area of your finger where the ring will be, you’ll do well to take knuckle size into consideration. After all, what good is a beautiful carbon fiber ring that fits perfectly on your finger if you can’t get it past the knuckle?


Mens Ring Size Chart

To wrap up, here’s a handy ring size chart that you can consult at any time. It will tell you how your measurements translate into ring sizes.

Frequently Asked Questions


Rest easy with our 99-day risk free trial. If you ever lose your ring or need a new size, you're covered with our Never Lost and Forever Fit Protection. You get 2x replacements over the ring's lifetime free of charge


Whether you lose your ring or lose 20 lbs, we’ve got you covered with the Never Lost and Forever Fit Protection. Each purchase of a Ridge Ring Set comes with the option of 2 future exchanges for the same ring in the same or different size.


Under the Never Lost and Forever Fit Protection, you can wear your rings as they're meant to be worn- worry free. We'll replace up to 2 rings of the same style.


The set includes a premium metal ring and an alternative silicone band.


The iTG Rings are made with durable, scratch-resistant materials like Tungsten Carbide, Carbon Fiber, Forged Carbon, and Titanium. The dual-band silicone ring is durable yet flexible. Perfect for additional comfort or an active fit.


The iTG Rings are crafted with a dual-layer design; an outer beveled edge for on-hand comfort and an inner convex shape for a comfortable, no-pinch fit.


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